We're happy to announce that our response to our feedback forum's top suggestion is now open to the public: Average setlists. You'll find them in the artist statistics, where you'll find a new row of tabs (see screenshot below) with the first two stats being the (well known) song statistics and the second one the new average setlist.
Here's an example: Metallica's average setlist from 1984:

Hope you like it! And again, if you think that some average setlist don't make any sense at all, please leave a comment in the thread in our feedback forum. We'll then tweak the algorithm until the average setlists rock even more :-)

Hope you like it! And again, if you think that some average setlist don't make any sense at all, please leave a comment in the thread in our feedback forum. We'll then tweak the algorithm until the average setlists rock even more :-)